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More than a team.

We’re putting the value into maritime.

We are a fast-growing and innovative company that is sustainable by nature with a team that is dedicated to making an impact.

We are using our personality, skills and motivation to help Value Maritime realise a green future for shipping.

Share our passion for sustainable shipping? Come onboard and make shipping greener with us. There’s no time to waste! Reach out to:

Our Founders

Maarten Lodewijks

Title/Area of work

Co-Founder & Director

Otherwise known as:

The Numbers Guy

Value to VM:

Maarten sees that to achieve sustainable shipping you need more than a good idea. The answer needs to also have a financial dividend and ultimately the business solution needs to be profitable too. He brings his shipping knowledge and financial acumen to VM and teaches us all the importance of knowing the numbers.

Reach out to Maarten for:

The Spread | Fuel Prices | Shipping Market

Christiaan Nijst

Title/Area of work

Co-Founder & Director

Otherwise known as:

The Inventor

Value to VM:

Christiaan is our technical ‘clever clogs’ and our award-winner, having won the Nor-Shipping Young Entrepreneur Award 2021. He brings his forward-thinking and brilliant engineering mind to Value Maritime. His breakthrough Filtree System and innovative CO2 Capture Module for ships are transforming the future of sustainable shipping.

Reach out to Christiaan for:

Carbon Capture Insights | Sustainable Engineering | Unique Technology

Our Commercial Crew

Rolf Bakker

Title/Area of work

Carbon Capture Certificate Trading & (Export) Finance

Otherwise known as:

One of the Bakkertjes

Value to VM:

Rolf looks after the development of carbon capture certificates, proof that Value Maritime is actively reducing the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. He is also actively arranging financing opportunities for buyers of our Filtree units.

Reach out to Rolf for:

Carbon Capture Certs | Financing Options | Business Development

Diederick Blom

Title/Area of work

Client Liaison

Otherwise known as:

C-level Mover & Shaker

Value to VM:

Diederick connects Value Maritime to decision makers in the extensive network that he has built up over the past 41 years in the shipping and logistics world. He also helps potential customers to recognise the benefits of the Value Maritime Filtree and Carbon Capture system.

Reach out to Diederick for:

Commercial & Financial Considerations | References

Frans van de Bospoort

Title/Area of work

Non-Executive Director

Otherwise known as:

The Door Opener

Value to VM:

Frans introduces Value Maritime to C-level contacts by using his international network built up over 20+ years as an International shipping banker and more recently as global head of a shipping bank. He challenges and assists Maarten and Christiaan on strategic topics. He is broadening our international reach and initiating the establishment of our Singapore rep office.

Reach out to Frans for:

Growth Strategy and Corporate Development | Introductions to international shipping companies

Yvette van der Sommen

Title/Area of work

Commerical Director

Otherwise known as:

Our Commercial Engineer

Value to VM:

With her technical background and commercial spirit, Yvette has the ability to translate the language of engineering into a common language. She makes sure that our client’s wishes and concerns are heard and finds optimal solutions to make your vessel ready for the future.

Reach out to Yvette for:

A commercial offer | To discuss possibilities | To get to know Value Maritime

Semiramis Stampira

Title/Area of work

Commercial Manager – Greece

Otherwise known as:

Ms. Client Relationships

Value to VM:

Semiramis is combining her long-term shipping finance background with her knowledge of the market to achieve sustainable shipping with a financial benefit.  She focuses on meeting all of our client’s requirements and at the same time helps to reverse the impact on the environment for the next generation. Her motto is “Together we can change the world. Act now!”.

Reach out to Semiramis for:

Finance Structures | Filtree Benefits | CO2 Capture | Brainstorming

Errikos Tsagkaris

Title/Area of work

Commercial Manager

Otherwise known as:

The Persuader

Value to VM:

Errikos is an entrepreneurial thinker, and having a strong shipping background, he strives to persuade shipowners that our Filtree is the right path towards sustainable shipping.

Reach out to Errikos for:

Filtree Economics | Shipping Insights | Sustainable Development

Milou van der Ven

Title/Area of work

Area Manager (VM Asia)

Otherwise known as:

The All-Rounder

Value to VM:

As VM’s first employee in Asia, Milou is quite literally building VM Asia from the ground up. She combines her engineering background with business acumen (INSEAD MBA) to expand our local presence and serve our clients both from operational and commercial perspectives. 

Reach out to Milou for:

VM Asia Projects | Carbon Capture | Filtree Sales in Asia

Bas Bertens

Title/Area of work

Service Engineer

Otherwise known as:

The Hawk Eye

Value to VM:

Bas has years of field experience in inland shipping, making sure the ship stays technically in prime condition, and containers get delivered on schedule. He is used to working under pressure and keeping a keen eye on safety, efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Reach out to Bas for:

Shipping Logistics | Planning | Safety

Marc van Dongen

Title/Area of work

Service Engineer

Otherwise known as:

Media Man

Value to VM:

Marc provides a friendly and efficient service to our clients at all times and it’s always with a smile. He joined Value Maritime to try his hand at something new having spent 20+ years in media production. Now he enjoys getting his hands dirty!

Reach out to Marc for:

Engineering Assistance | Heavy lifting | Media contacts

Jeroen Gels

Title/Area of work

Head of Development

Otherwise known as:

Ask Jeroen!

Value to VM:

Jeroen is one of the longest with VM. Everyone knows Jeroen is the guy to call when something involving technology needs to be solved or fixed. He will have the answer and he can explain it easily in a way that makes sense. When in doubt, just ask Jeroen!

Reach out to Jeroen for:

Tech improvements | Any issues with service or projects |Technical matters explained simply

Alican Kilinc

Title/Area of work

Sr. Naval Architect

Otherwise known as:

The Shipbuilder

Value to VM:

Alican ensures that our systems and technology will fit correctly on all types of vessels which of course are subject to various rules and regulations such as flag registration, and classification society.

Reach out to Alican for:

Ship class | Statutory rules & regulations | Engineering & design challenges

Stijn Postema

Title/Area of work

Head of Production and Procurement

Otherwise known as:

Employee #1

Value to VM:

Stijn makes sure all our units are delivered on time. This makes him one of the busiest guys around the office and the warehouse. He is also responsible for professionalising our processes and keeping us all in check!

Reach out to Stijn for:

Procurement | Organising | To chat about MotoGP

Niels Verweij

Title/Area of work

Engineering Department

Otherwise known as:

The Brains

Value to VM:

Niels is responsible for the retrofit engineering of our Filtree units. His goal is always to integrate the Filtree system in the most simple way possible with minimal effort from the owner, crew and stakeholders.

Reach out to Niels for:

Concept design of Filtree integration | 3D modelling of system in pointcloud | Structural Engineering

Eric van der Walle

Title/Area of work

Logistics Manager

Otherwise known as:

Mr. I’ll get it done!

Value to VM:

Having a background in both warehouse and marine logistics (shipping 5.4 billion bananas yearly which is no monkey business), Eric saw a new challenge in integrating the logistics for Value Maritime. Being a firm believer in the Clean Loop system together with CO2 Capture, he will do all he can to optimise the process of getting all materials from A to B (and C 😉) to boost the decarbonisation of shipping!

Reach out to Eric for:

Logistics | Customs | BBQ recipes

Ramon van ‘t Wout

Title/Area of work

Head of Production and Procurement

Otherwise known as:

Mr. Maritime

Value to VM:

Ramon has sailed on commercial vessels as a maritime officer, on top of that he has been working in the exhaust gas cleaning industry worldwide since 2019 executing many projects and gaining knowledge in this market. With this experience,  he is determined to make every project a success.

Reach out to Ramon for:

Retrofit projects | Technical matters | A good chat

Our Support Squad

Ana Carvalho

Title/Area of work

Buyer/ Procurement

Otherwise known as:

The Deliverer

Value to VM:

Ana works in the Procurement department as a Buyer, guaranteeing that all the necessary materials are available at the right time and in the best conditions. She delivers on her commitment to the team.  

Reach out to Ana for:

Procurement | Purchase Orders | Orders in general

Joanne Kelleher

Title/Area of work


Otherwise known as:

The Star Gazer

Value to VM:

Joanne is taking us to the stars, that’s what she has promised at least! She helps to profile VM and share our stories with the world. Pretty soon sustainable shipping is going to be the norm, and then we are going to need her to take us to the sun the moon and the stars!

Reach out to Joanne for:

Press updates & comment | Interviews with the team | Bad jokes

Andrea Perucho

Title/Area of work

Office Manager

Otherwise known as:

The Jack of all trades

Value to VM:

With her background in the hospitality industry, Andrea is the chief of happiness in the office. She makes sure that everyone gets what they need, and that the office runs smoothly being a great support for the entire team.

Reach out to Andrea for:

Office matters and events| Administration support | A great chat
